I want to use MIIDEL on a 32-bit computer

MIIDEL is a 64-bit only system from Ver5, please use it in 64-bit environment when you use it

Until recently, I was able to use MIIDEL normally, but suddenly I can't log in. What should I do?

Please delete the folder at "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Miidel7"
Note that this action will also delete the license information, so you will need to re-enter it
Please ensure you have the correct license information before proceeding

When trying to display high-resolution TIFF or PDF files, MIIDEL crashes

Opening TIFF or PDF files with high resolution and high pixel count causes unstable operation
MIIDEL processes one drawing as one image, so it may take time as mentioned above. In such cases, please reduce the resolution and use it
Please use normal resolution when creating PDF data or scanning from a multifunction printer

When loading TIFF and PDF images, I get an error message saying "Exceeding the allowable page size for loading. Try lowering the DPI or loading in grayscale." What is the maximum loading size supported by MIIDEL?

The maximum supported size is up to 2^30 [px]
If you exceed this size, you may receive an error message
we apologize for the inconvenience, but please try reducing the resolution or loading in grayscale mode

I want to load a PDF file, but I'm getting an error and can't load it. What should I do?

The issue might be related to the PDF editing software you are using
If you encounter data that cannot be loaded, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please try re-creating the PDF using the "Microsoft Print to PDF" feature that comes standard with Windows, or try to use the latest version of MIIDEL to load it again

What are the problems when trying to compare high-resolution or oversized data?

The following processes may experience issues or extremely slow performance due to decreased processing speed
  • t may not be possible to move by dragging
  • Depending on the specifications of your computer, distortion correction, Layer correction, and other correction functions may take up to an hour to process

What types of data are processed quickly and slowly during distortion/layer correction comparison?

  • 【Quick Comparison Data】
    • Data and documents with main lines
    • Data with small paper size such as A4
    • Data with many blank spaces
    Even full-size drawings, such as 30m x 5m, can be processed quickly and compared if they are mainly line drawings with a lot of blank space
    Processing will be faster if the comparison is done on a PC with high CPU processing performance and high memory capacity
  • 【Slow Comparison Data】
    • Data scanned at high resolution
    • Data with many characters
    • Data with large image capacity per image
    If the computer's CPU is slow, memory is small (2~8GB), and storage is HDD, it may take longer to process the data, and the data that can be compared may be smaller

  • How long does the comparison process take?

    Processing time varies significantly depending on the computer's CPU, operating system settings, and the settings of the software itself
    Please refer to the details below
    • For Intel® Core™ i7-1185G7
    • Operation Cost
      Loading 15 pages of A3 size at 72dpi 4sec
      Comparison of the above content 3sec
      Loading 15 pages of A3 size at 192dpi 14sec
      Comparison of the above content 13sec
      Distortion correction for a page of A3 size loaded at 192dpi 6sec
      Layer correction for a page of A3 size loaded at 192dpi 18sec
    • For Intel Core i5 1035G1
    • Operation Cost
      Loading 15 pages of A3 size at 192dpi 32sec
      Comparison of the above content 18sec
      Distortion correction for a page of A3 size loaded at 192dpi 13sec
      Layer correction for a page of A3 size loaded at 192dpi 14sec

    Layer correction comparisons do not work well

    If there is only one part before the change and there are multiple parts after the change, or if there are multiple similar parts on both sides, it may not be possible to automatically correct and compare them
    Layer correction may not be possible for scanned data with many text and line scraps or data with extremely different sizes
    When performing layer correction, if the spacing between the selected ranges is different, they will be considered separate and automatic correction will not be possible
    closely spaced
    widely spaced

    Files required to run MIIDEL are quarantined by anti-virus software

    Real-time protection may quarantine files that may cause unknown problems, in which case you will need to revert the quarantined file and add it to your safe list
    In the above case, please refer to the operation manual of the anti-virus software you are using, contact us, or your system administrator

    Security software that automatically encrypts saved files has caused issues where files necessary for MIIDEL to run are also encrypted, preventing MIIDEL from starting up

    Please disable encryption settings or install MIIDEL in an unencrypted folder and use it in a location where data files and saved files are also not encrypted

    The MIIDEL interface is displayed larger than the screen size, preventing me from operating it normally, how should I adjust the settings?

    For optimal display settings for MIIDEL, it is recommended to go to the Windows settings, select 'System', then 'Display', and adjust the 'Scale and Layout' option to 150% or lower
    If it exceeds 150%, the operation interface may not be displayed correctly

    MIIDEL indicates to me 'Offline use period has expired'. What should I do?

    MIIDEL needs to verify the license status while online
    We apologize for the inconvenience, but please log in again while online

    While using MIIDEL, I get an error saying "Maximum number of concurrent". How should I address this?

    If MIIDEL doesn't shut down correctly, the status of concurrent users may continue for 30 minutes
    Therefore, even if no other users are actively using it, this message may occasionally appear
    We apologize for the inconvenience, but please re-check the number of users currently using or starting MIIDEL, and then try the operation again

    I'm not sure what to enter for the address and port. What should I input?

    This is where you need to enter the address and port number of the proxy server that your company uses
    Depending on the requirements, you might also need to provide user authentication information for the proxy server
    Additionally, access permission to api.miidel.com is necessary
    For specific input details and to check if access to api.miidel.com is possible, please consult with your company's system administrator

    After changing the proxy server settings, MIIDEL is displayed as offline even though there is an active network connection, and the connect test fails. How should I address this?

    First, please check the settings you have configured in MIIDEL
    If the problem persists, delete the folder at "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Miidel7"
    However, note that this action will also delete the license information, so you will need to re-enter it
    Please ensure you have the correct license information before proceeding

    How should I handle license migration when updating MIIDEL or changing computers?

    When transferring a license, you should first log out of the license on the old computer.Then, install MIIDEL on the new computer and use your license to log in
    Depending on the version of MIIDEL, automatic license transfer may not be possible
    Specifically, direct transfers from MIIDEL5 to 6 or
    from MIIDEL5 to 7 are not possible
    However, automatic transfers from MIIDEL6 to 7 are possible
    For floating licenses, after deactivating the license from the management system, you can log into MIIDEL on the new computer using that license and continue your work

    Can the settings for the comparison process be changed to default? And if changes are made, will the changed settings be reflected in the next run?

    The settings can only be changed MIIDEL on the client PC.
    Furthermore, the only parameters saved during the comparison process are "Resolution","Color setting" and "Aautomatic sort"

    How should I understand the "Resolution settings for converting from DocuWorks files" and "Resolution setting for new loading" in the Various settings?

    When converting from DocuWorks, if the resolution is set to 600dpi and the "Resolution setting for new loading" is set to 300dpi, it means that the data from DocuWorks is converted into a format that can be compared at 600dpi, and then MIIDEL re-imports and compares it at 300dpi

    I want to register in and use MIIDEL on another computer. What should I do?

    Licenses can be logged out directly from the client or registered directly on another computer.
    For more information. please refer to the "License certificate・login" page of this manual.
    ※License switching is limited to once per month.

    If the shape of the model is not changed but the size is reduced as a layout adjustment (from a 1:1 view to a 1:2 view), is there a function to manually toggle whether this change is "detected as a difference" or "not detected due to no shape change"?

    When the layout is changed, you must either use "Layer Correction" to automatically detect the layout changes or use "Clipping" to manually adjust the position
    If scaling is performed, the size must be adjusted using the scaling function of the clipping part, which will be implemented soon

    When comparing, we use PDF data directly converted from CAD and paper scan (PDF data) or PDF data directly converted from CAD. Will the comparison results be the same? (Is it possible to correct the minor misalignment of the paper scan to achieve the same results?)

    When scaned papers, there may be instances where missing charactors or missing lines are detected as differences
    The minor misalignments in paper scans can be adjusted using features such as [Misalignment correction] or [Line width emphasis]

    Does the file format affect the comparison results?

    The file format does not change the comparison results
    However, differences may arise when converting CAD data to PDF or TIFF, so minor details (such as blurring of the edges of characters or shapes) may be detected as differences
    These can be treated as unchanged using the misalignment correction function

    What is the detection range for minor misalignments? And is it possible to set the detection range?

    The detection range can be set from 0 to 3px in "Misalignment Correction"

    Are variations in line type or line width recognized as differences? Or, is it possible to set it not to recognize these as differences?

    The detection range can be set from 0 to 3px in "Misalignment Correction"

    Can the comparison results be output in formats such as PDF or HTML? Or can they only be viewed on the application?

    Comparison results can be output as PDF files
    We also plan to add the functionality to output in HTML format in the future

    Is a license required even when viewing files output after comparison on the application?

    A license is required even when viewing on MIIDEL

    Is it possible to load DocuWorks files?

    In MIIDEL, you can open DocuWorks files. However, you must meet the following conditions
    • To open DocuWorks files, DocuWorks provided by FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp. must be installed
    • MIIDEL supports loading files only with the latest version of DocuWorks
      Therefore, when using DocuWorks, always ensure to use the latest version
    • Files from DocuWorks Viewer Light are not supported. The full version of DocuWorks is required
    DocuWorks Support Information
    Version Support Information
    DocuWorks 9.1 DocuWorks 9.1 is a separate product from DocuWorks 9" (version 9.0) and will continue to be supported as a separate product (currently the latest version)
    DocuWorks 9.0.6 Support ends on March 31, 2025
    DocuWorks 8.0.12 Support ends on March 31, 2024

    DocuWorks and DocuWorks Viewer Light are registered trademarks or trademarks of FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp.

    I'm experiencing issues other than the ones mentioned above. What should I do?

    In that case, please provide detailed information about the situation and any error messages to the contact below
    Our support team will assist you